
Book Jenn for your next Christian Women's Event

Strengthening moms to live out their God-given calling and cultivate emotionally healthy homes 

Jennifer Bryant is an expressive educational and inspirational speaker who helps women live simply, love deeply and lead well. Through authentic, lighthearted-but-insightful anecdotes, stories, and Scriptures, she’ll help you feel accepted and lead you into the freedom to relax, be yourself, and feel loved by God. 

Speaking Topics

Enough, Already

Learn to recognize the insecurities that keep moms from giving their best to their family. How to discover your unique gifts, and embrace grace in motherhood.

How to Not Lose Your Mind as a Mom

Let’s look at 5 basic things you can practice in your home to set clear expectations and give yourself a break.

The Value of Vulnerability

Why it’s important to let our kids see us miss the mark, surrender control, and apologize. How to model humility to build trust with our kids.

3 Keys to Fostering Healthy Independence in Your Kids

How to model warning, provide guidance, and grant freedom so your kids can grow in maturity instead of fear.

Honey for the Soul: How to Affirm the Good in Your Family

Sweet words of truth are soothing to the soul of every member of your family. Learn to use sweet words to build up love and genuine connection in your home. 

Clear & Creative Planning

 Maintain a calendar that protects you from over-committment, teaches kids time management, makes room for the things you care about the most.

Crossing OVER: Overcoming Life’s Struggles one Step at a Time

Using the O.V.E.R framework, women will learn to acknowledge their pain points and respond to struggle with a healthier mindset


How to Help Kids Navigate Difficult Emotions

Emotions are natural, necessary, but can very triggering. Learn how emotional management is the key to driving ourselves to safe places so we can teach our kids to drive there themselves. 

Permission to Be You

Women ask permission to be themselves from perceived authority figures that often don’t exist. Learn to walk in your calling with boldness and humility. Take the next step without apology or overthinking. 

Raising "Good" Christian Kids

My testimony as a church kid who needed to find her own way to Jesus. Helping moms to understand their role in paving the way to Christ, how to stay out of the way, and pray.

Grow Grateful Kids

How to sew seeds of affirmation that builds confident kids who do the same.

How to Fight Entitlement

5 weapons that destroy the entitlement dragon and help us to be more like Christ (based in 2 Peter 1)


Embracing Your Adventure with God

  • The Hero’s Journey
  • Navigate Change
  • Use Your Tools
  • Prepare for Battle
  • Walk in Victory

*Can be 4 or 5 messages, whatever your event times allow

Christmas Topics

Refined: How to be a Good Receiver at Christmas

Based on Ephesians 2:8, women will learn how to receive the gift of God by looking at our relationship to gift-giving. 

Emmanuel: How God With Us Changes Everything

Based on Luke’s Gospel account, we’ll look at Jesus’ ministry on earth, how He entered the world as Emmanuel and left as Yeshua Hamashiach – the Messiah. 

Topic is based on Jennifer’s published devotional 25 Days of Jesus: An Advent Journey Through the Gospel of LukeAvailable for group discount purchase during the month of November. 

25 Days of Jesus: An Advent Journey through the Gospel of Luke


Discount on Bulk Orders

In an age where moving past platitudes and band-aid solutions to our most pressing family needs, Jenn speaks to both who we are today and who we want to be tomorrow. Biblically grounded theology presented in a logical method make her presentations an entertaining, educational, and exceptional resource. Her words help guide listening hearts and minds towards embracing living fully in our Fathers world.

Jordan Marzan

Wife & Former Homeschooler

I was truly blessed by the Titus 2 workshop. No matter how old the kids are,  I can’t expect anything to be cleaned or as clean as I would like them to be. I have learned to break it down smaller into “quadrants” and that my son is a confident young man that can put his clothes away in the drawer. Every day is a learning experience for everyone. It was a true blessing to have another mothers perspective on how to get the children more involved.

Jenn Alvaro

Wife & Mother of 2

Raising a family is a hard task and in a world that is vying for our kid’s attention it takes faith in our homes, church community and resources. Practical Family provides great support and faith based resources for parents!

Cheri Fletcher

Mother, & Christian Speaker


Jenn is an educator by profession and personality. Born the oldest of four kids in a small town in Southern California, she is fascinated by new experiences, what makes people tick & how to find practical solutions. She holds a B.A. from California Baptist University in Christian Studies with an emphasis in Bible Theology, Philosophy, Apologetics, a minor in English, teaching credential, and training in Early Childhood Education.

Jenn has taught elementary & middle school ages in California and Hawaii public schools, directed a private faith-based preschool, & worked as a full-time ministry administrator. She currently volunteers as an apologetics coach for her kids NCFCA Speech & Debate club.

Jenn and Bruce have been married 17 years and own a family restaurant (best fish tacos ever) in Honolulu, Hawaii. They homeschool two adorable teenagers and try to make it to the beach, discover great local food spots, and travel as often as possible.

Freebie Offerings

Mom Freebie Bundle, including our basic homeschool planner, PDF of the 5 Things…encouragement printable, Ultimate Kid Snack List, & 3 mom lock screens.

Contributions & Collaborations

Four Steps to Avoid Overwhelm and Focus on Our Priorities, More Than Mom Virtual Summit, June 2017.

Finding Myself: How One Working Mom Found Her Purpose at Home, October 2016. You Are More Than Mom, Gina Whitehouse.

Being Bold in Finding a New Identity, October 2017. Be Bold Girl Series, Rachel Britton.

Living By Design Ministries with Sarah Koontz, Contributing Writer.

Turning Off the Screens and Learning to Trust God’s Truth, LivingByDesign.org, January 2019.

How to Model Christ-Like Humility For Your Children, LivingByDesign.org, April 2019.

Busy, Busy, Busy: How NOT to Overschedule Our Kids, Podcast Guest for JennBuell.com, July, 2019.

The Daily Struggle for Better Communication, article for AWifeLikeMe.com, August 2019.

3 Keys to Fostering Healthy Independence in Your Children, article for LivingByDesign.org, October, 2019.

Just Say NO to an Overwhelmed Holiday Schedule, Podcast Guest for Jenn Buell, November, 2019.

When You Are Refined by Receiving, article for LyliDunbar.com, December, 2019.

How to Practice Affirmation with Valentines to Build Your Child’s Character, article for iHomeschool Network, January 2020.

Permission Slips with Bethany Howard: Permission to Be Who You Are, [YouTube Video] Facebook Live Interview, January 2020.

Guest on the Start Small, Believe BIG Podcast with Billie Jauss, April 2020.

How to Help Kids Navigate Difficult Emotions, article for LivingByDesign.com, April 2020.

The Emotional Journey of Motherhood, Part 1 – Cheri Fletcher Ministries, May 2020.

The Emotional Journey of Motherhood, Part 2 – Cheri Fletcher Ministries, May 2020.

Stuck in the Middle of Motherhood and Mahem, Kathi Lipp’s Clutter Free for Life Membership, FB Live July 16, 2020.

 It Doesn’t Have to Be All or Nothing, All the Things Vodcast with Tiffany Jo Baker, July 2020. 

How to Stay Stuck, All the Things Vodcast with Tiffany Jo Baker, July 2020. 

7 Ways to Simplify HomeschoolingBoy Mom Podcast with Monica Swanson, July 2020. 

The Beauty of Creative OrganizationWhat If? Creativity Conference Workshop – September 2020

When You Need to Pray, “Thank You, Jesus,” article for LyliDunbar.com, November 2020.

Kids and Yoga: How to Help Your Kids Understand Their Bodies, Workshop for HolyYoga.net, January 2021.

Enneagram Series: Enough-ness and the 2w3, Interviewed by Lori Young, Enneagram Coach, February 2021.

Sample Teachings

Disciple Her Conference |

One Love Ministries, 10/2022

On Being Blameless Before God |

One Love Devotions, 2022.

Creative Planning Class

Kaimuki Public Library, 7/2019

Beauty of Creative Organization |

What If Creativity Conference, 9/2020.

The Names of God |

One Love Ministries, 1/2020.

Book Jenn to Speak

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